Casey Sacco

Actor. Singer. Dancer. Someone please help me get this stock photo of a cocktail off of my homepage

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Casey was born in Bangkok, Thailand to a stunt double father, and animal trainer mother. Performing is in her blood, and creating art with an inspiring community is her passion. When she wants to take herself seriously, she speaks about herself in third person. Hi, it’s me. Casey. i’ve been in love with the stage and the people that come along with it since I was a kid, bowing in ill-fitting dance costumes and over committing in chorus concerts. I’ve been all-in for over 20 years. If I’m not on stage, I am backstage or in the house, making sure the production looks good. It’s my honor and pleasure to work with cast and crew alike. When I’m not consumed with work, I like to eat good food, take naps, and laugh. Before this starts sounding too much like a dating profile I’ll go ahead and stop.

Thanks for coming!

Thanks for coming!